Drum Education and Cultural Heritage Outreach, Inc.

You can help support our work by making an on line donation by credit card or bank transfer using Pay Pal.


Drum ECHO Fund

Drum Publication Group

Education Fund for Karen State


Drum ECHO, Inc. was established in May 2005 as a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt public charity in America to help facilitate grant applications and public donations for itself and other partner indigenous community based organizations working in Southeast Asian.

The main aims and objectives of Drum ECHO are:

· To preserve and promote the linguistic forms of the indigenous peoples of Southeast Asia while promoting national, second languages through the publishing of educational materials.

· To transform schooling of indigenous peoples through providing access to educational resources and pedagogy training.

· To document traditional knowledge, practices and cultural forms of expression of indigenous peoples

Please visit the following sites for more information about the work we support

Drum Publication Group

Karen Teacher's Working Group

Indigenous Knowledge and People's Network

For more information email us at: info@drumecho.org